My Method

It’s all about you: a journey to your inner self.

I follow the method taught at one of the most renowned coaching schools in the world. My role as a coach is to assist you in this journey and connect with your true self. I will be a mirror! I will stay neutral as much as possible to allow you to reach your own conclusions. Your role as a coachee is to be open to change, keep a curious mind and be willing to commit.

I will make you think what you haven’t thought yet. Together, we are going to explore new perspectives that will open new possibilities in your life. I will help you to make conscious choices that will better serve you. It can be fun but it can also get challenging. I will hold you accountable and I will tell you the hard truth when needed. In the end, it will be a rewarding and fulfilling process.

The power of perspective

One day, a father and son went fishing. When they returned home, the father entered first, and his wife asked: “How was your day?”.
He answered: “We went fishing. Caught nothing. Such a waste of time.”
When the little boy entered the home, the mother asked the same question and the son answered “I went fishing with dad, best day of my life!”.

The perspective with which you perceive an event will not change the event, but it will have a tremendous impact on the way that you will feel about it.